Over ten-year managing and training experience within the Top Fifty worldwide companies Nearly twenty-year working experience from basic level to would-be Asia high-level manager, we know the business administration of company well and provide the best solution to enhance individual or organization performance.
At work, we can take advantage of our ability and attitude to achieve performance every day. Ability means knowledge and skill/management.In YK, we can learn knowledge, skill/management and attitude, which we should possess. Not too many as you think but they are enough for us to work smoothly and successfully.
From now on, any course
World-class exclusive Trainig Course
Ho's Six Bussiness Administration Theories
I. Ho'sFirst B.A. Theory
5-Leadership-Power Organization Theory
II. Ho's Second B.A. Theory
Selling Edge Theory
III. Ho's Third B.A. Theory
Customer Need Model Theory
Customer Need Model Centered Marketing and Selling
IV. Ho's Fourth B.A. Theory
Workplace Promotion Pyramid Model Level Theory
Workplace Promotion Pyramid Model
V. Ho's Fifth B.A. Theory
Big 7 Attitude Dimension Theory
Big 7 Attitude
VI. Ho's Sixth B.A. Theory
Vocal Module Theory
Presentation Edge
Human beings have the same characteristics in common. Based on this rule, we create several learning programs, which are adapted for global society.
YK products are applied to society. They are all in a global view and useful for us to perform in our organization.